“The more frightening the
world becomes...the more art
becomes abstract.”—Kandinsky

Painter Vasily Kandinsky created his most iconic works amid the chaos of the early 20th century.
His Composition series of paintings were the grandest expression of his artistic ideas treating the canvas as a score for his symphonies of color and form.
The first three of these paintings were labelled “Degenerate Art” by the German Nazi Party, confiscated from the Bauhaus School, and destroyed during World War II seventy-five years ago.
“Lost Works” is a suite in three movements composed by trumpeter Josh Lawrence celebrating the legacy of Vasily Kandinsky and eulogizing his lost masterpieces.
Supported by Chamber Music America’s New Jazz Works program, the suite was filmed live at Rittenhouse Soundworks in Philadelphia for Lawrence’s visual album “Lost Works Live” featuring his ensemble with Caleb Curtis (saxophone), Zaccai Curtis (piano), Luques Curtis (bass), Anwar Marshall (drums), Brent White (trombone), and Adam Faulk (Wurlitzer).

Our Lost Works Live album is now available as a digital download exclusively through our website with the hope that you will support our work directly.
We're offering this album for $10 but we welcome you to name your own price and contribute more to our efforts.
Thank you for listening.